Using the Extranet
I. Orders
Click “Orders” from the ribbon.
When a client submits an order through the website, it will be shown here.
Orders can be added manually by clicking “Add Inspection Order”.
Fill out the form and click “Submit” to create the new order.
Orders can be edited by clicking the gear icon and selecting “Edit Order”.
Orders can also be deleted by clicking the “Garbage Bin” icon.
II. Inspections
From the ribbon select “Inspections”.
Notice that the order we created is not an inspection yet.
To process the order as an inspection, open the Liciel Inspection Software.
Click “File” from the toolbar and select “Online File Sharing Area”.
When the Online File Sharing Area opens, click the gear icon and select the Extranet.
Click “Save Selections and Quit”.
With the correct file sharing area selected, click “Update” to view an updated list of the orders available on the Extranet.
To import the order into the Liciel Inspection Software, select it from the list and click “Receive”.
Notice that the order has been added to the file management area.
The Job Order will open once the transfer finishes.
Click the "Estimates / Invoicing" tab.
In this case we will add a service and have an unpaid balance to show how the Extranet works.
III. Submit Reports to the Extranet
Complete the inspection and use the printing module to generate the reports and transfer them to the Extranet so your clients can download them.
The printing module can be opened multiple ways.
To open the printing module from the Job Order window, click the “Printing” button from the left-hand side.
Generate your report and then transfer the reports to the Extranet by going to the last tab “Submit Reports”.
In this case, the reports have been generated already.
Check the checkboxes for “PDF” and “Word” to view the generated reports.
Click the “Extranet” tab.
This tab allows you to add this inspection to the Extranet.
Click the “Connect to the Extranet” button.
Back in the web browser, refresh the “Inspections” page.
The order is now an official inspection in the Extranet.
Select the inspection from the list to view it.
Notice that the top right corner shows whether the inspection has been paid for and also notice that the list of files is empty.
Go back to the Liciel Inspection Software.
From the printing module, select the files you would like to submit to the Extranet and then click “Send the Selected Files to the Extranet”.
Enter the name of the file which will be visible to the client and then click “Confirm”.
In the browser, refresh the page.
The list of files now displays the submitted report.
Send an Access notification email to your client so they can view their inspection file in the Extranet.
Click “Send an Access Notification Email” and select the email recipient from the list or enter one manually.
An “Access Notification Email” will look like this.
Notice the list of files and the link.
Clicking the link will send your client to the Extranet.
An unpaid file will show the remaining balance.
If you have setup the payments systems via the Extranet settings, the client will have a “Pay for the Inspection” button which they can use to submit a payment.
In the Extranet settings you can control whether the reports are downloadable for unpaid inspections.
In this case, the settings do not allow clients to download the reports for unpaid files.
So while the reports are visible in the list of files, the download button is not activated.
When the inspection is fully paid, the download button will be activated and the client will be able to download and view their inspection report.
Close this window and return to the Extranet.
If you would like to hide a report from the list of files visible to the client, click the eye icon under the “Visibility” column.
A report can also be completely deleted from the list of files by clicking the “Garbage Bin” icon.
Set the inspection to appear as fully paid now.
Go to the Liciel Inspection Software.
From the Job Order window, under the “Estimates/Invoicing” tab, we will add a payment to remove the remaining balance.
Click “Save” to save the changes so the payment is reflected on the Extranet.
Ensure that the Extranet inspection file now says “Paid Inspection” in the top right corner.
When the client opens the link, the reports in the list of files are downloadable.
Notice that the download button is green.
When clicked, the report will be downloaded to the computer for the client to view.
You can see how many times a report has been downloaded by going to the Extranet and refreshing the page.
Notice that the report now shows that is has been downloaded 1 time.
Just below the list of files you will be able to see more detailed information regarding the downloaded files, including a timestamp and the email recipient.
Click “Show Details”.
This displays details like payment history, list of people emailed with access to the file and more.
II. Inspections (Continued)
From the ribbon, click “Inspections”.
Inspection files can be managed quickly from here.
Inspections can be deleted by clicking the “Garbage Bin”.
To manage the payment status at a glance, click the dollar bill icon under the “Paid” column.
The status column shows whether the list of files has been downloaded by the client.
To view your inspections on a map, click the “Google Earth” button.
This will show the locations of the inspections.
If needed use the search box to filter the locations shown on the map.
IV. Contacts
From the ribbon, click “Contacts”.
Add a contact manually or import a contact from the Liciel Inspection Software.
Click “Add”.
Enter the contact information.
Click “Add” when you’re done.
Open the Liciel Inspection Software to transfer a contact created using the LICIEL Inspection Software.
From the ribbon click “Contacts”.
Double click on a contact or click “Edit”.
When the contact opens, click “Add/Submit to the Extranet”.
This will prompt you to the Extranet.
Notice that the contact information has been added to the form and that the contact has a password.
The client will be able to use the email and password from this form to log into the Extranet.
Contacts will have restricted access.
They will only see files that have been linked to the contact.
Click “Add” to add the contact to the Extranet address book.
To link an inspection to a contact, click “Inspection” from the ribbon.
Select an inspection from the list.
Click “Show Details”.
In the area for “Persons authorized to consult this inspection file” click the “Add” button.
Use the search box to search for the contact.
Then select it from the drop down list.
Click “Add” to grant inspection file access to this contact.
The client has been added to the list. Click the “Key” icon under the “Notice” column to send the contact a link to view the inspection.
Some contacts will need their login credentials to view multiple inspection files they have been linked to.
To send an email with the login click “Contacts” from the ribbon and click the “Key” icon.
This will send an email with the login credentials.
To send the contact an email with a specific message, click the “Envelope” icon.
This will open the message popup.
Enter the subject and message content and then click “Send”.
V. Messages
Messages can also be sent by clicking “Messages” from the ribbon.
Notice that the message just sent is visible in the message list.
To view the message content, click the “Eye” icon.
To send a new message, click “New Message”.
VI. Documents
Click “Documents” from the ribbon to set up the general documents.
Click “Add” to add a document or certificate.
Any document added in this area will be visible to ALL clients with a link to the Extranet.
VII. Extranet Client Portal
Login in as a contact to see what the Extranet looks like.
This is an example of a login credential email.
Notice that the email includes login credentials and a link that will log them in automatically.
When clicked, the contact will have fewer options in the ribbon.
The “Inspections List” only shows the inspection files that the contact has been linked to.
The contact can submit a new order by clicking “Orders” from the ribbon.
As orders are added, they will appear in the order list.
Clients will only see the orders submitted by them.
Any messages sent from the Extranet to this contact will be visible by clicking “Messages” from the ribbon.
Notice that the message sent earlier is in this list.
Contacts will only see messages sent to them.
Finally, the contact will have access to any general documents and notices by clicking “Documents” from the ribbon.
You’re ready to manage your website, clients, orders, inspection files, and payments through the Extranet.