Edit your Website
I. Website Color Edition Tool
Use the edition tools in the top left to customize your website.
Click the “Colors” button.
Then, click the “Gear” icon to select the colors for the website.
Notice that the manual colors, are different shades of purple. Yet the website has a green color scheme.
This is because the color scheme gear, will use the shades of purple but in a green hue.
Each color can be changed individually by using the manual color selections.
To use the manual color selection, the color scheme must be empty.
To keep the original color theme but to change the hue use the very first gear icon to change the color scheme.
Colors can be added manually into the box or by using the color picker.
Click “Save” after each color selection to save the changes.
Close the color modification popup.
II. Website Picture Edition Tool
To change the pictures displayed in the website.
Click the “Picture” button.
Click the gear icon to view a preview of the current picture.
Click the “Add Picture” icon to change the picture.
This will open the “Add Image” popup.
Using the “Add” tab, drag a file or click to upload.
Notice that the new image is now displayed in the preview.
To save the changes, click “Save”.
Keep in mind that each image must be saved individually.
Close the images modification popup.
III. Website Text Edition Tool
To edit the text on the page, click on the text.
When you click on the text, a popup will open with the text for that section.
Edit the text and click "Save".
IV. Website Icon Edition Tool
To edit any icons, click the “Icons” button.
Click the gear to see a preview of the current icon being used.
To change it, click on any icon from the right hand side and then click “Save”.
Close the icon modification popup.
V. Publish the Website
To publish your website and make the changes visible on the web, click “Publish the Website”.
VI. Restore a Backup
Go back to the Extranet.
Click “Settings” from the ribbon and go to the “Website” tab.
If you would like to view a previously published version of the website, click “Restore a Backup”.
The popup will display all of the published versions of your company website.
Click “Preview Version” to preview that version.
To restore the website to a previous version, click “Version of published_date”.
Keep in mind that websites have multiple pages.
To preview each page, click “Preview This Page’s Final Rendering”.
To edit each page, click “Edit This Page”.