Wind Mitigation Software Tool
The Wind Mitigation Inspection Module allows you to document both wind mitigation features and add-ons that reduce the amount of damage a property may suffer in the event of a major windstorm or hurricane. This process is closely overseen and regulated by the respective authorities where properties are prone to deal with high winds. Find the support you need with the use of this tool in generating detailed and complete reports.
What are the objectives ?
Assessing the condition of a property in regards to its protection against wind
Detect any defects or anomalies that could endanger future occupants
Prevent the risk of accidents and/or damages
Studies and Regulations
At LICIEL we are aware and understand the need users face in handling the sensitivity of this subject. Wind Mitigation is a highly important process in promoting both safety and savings. Consider for example the following information. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had its Insurance and Mitigation Administration office participate in a study that estimated the value of all mitigation activities between 1993 and 2007. The study concluded a value of $4 saved in response and recovery for every $1 spent on mitigation.
Take for example the specific case of the state of Florida in which the Department of Finance has stated that 15% to 70% of insurance premiums could be attributed to the risk of wind damage. Furthermore, Florida's legislature introduced Statute 627.0629. This statute requires all property insurers in Florida to recognize windstorm mitigation construction features in their residential rate filings as of February 2003. Since then, Insurers are required to provide discounts for homes that are built in accordance with the 2001 FBC or 1994 SFBC. Other discounts were also available to homes that were built prior but with similar wind-resistive features.
One can speculate how a similar scenario has, and will, play itself in other states where structures are at risk of high winds. A safe conclusion is that Insurance Carriers need well done inspections and a key aspect of that is the manner such procedures are followed and finally reported.
What type of buildings should be of concern ?
All types of housing structures (apartments and detached houses) specially of located in an area prone to windstorms
Commercial building structures
Public access building structures
What types of Wind Mitigation are practiced ?
Water Barriers
Anchor, Roof-to-Wall
Gable Ends
Window Openings
Achieve more and meet the demands
Benefit from a complete and updated software which helps you to obtain and provide information as regulations currently require or may start to require soon. These are some of the characteristics of the Wind Mitigation Module you can put to use:
Listing :
Use the Code - Cover tool to enter information about the building and its code compliance, as well as roof covering detail description including type of product, installation information and compliance
With Attachments you can specify the roof deck/roof to wall attachment types present in the inspected property
The Geometry - SWR allows you to introduce the property's roof shape and dimensions. It also allows you to indicate the presence of water resistance barrier or not
Openings tab allows you to indicate the opening protection installed on the inspected structure and if regional requirements are met
Use the Pictures tab to add photos within this module and manage them depending on your needs
The 2nd Attachments tab allows you to add documents of multiple formats