Generate proficient comparative reports of the use and conditions of properties.
The Property Condition Inspection Module in LICIEL facilitates the performance of a comparative inventory of the condition of a property for incoming or outgoing occupants. Useful for determining if full or partial refund of the deposits is due.
What are some objectives ?
To determine the adequate costs in property management
To contribute appropriately to the maintenance of a property

As it is the case with many other regulations, the rules for the leasing of properties adhere to state and local jurisdiction. Normally, any of the rules from various places are similar in providing to both landlords and tenants descriptions of their obligations. In the State of Florida for example, these ordinances are found under the Florida Residential Landlord Tenant Act. Listed are certain rights and responsibilities under Part II, Chapter 83, in specific section 83.51 titled Landlord Obligation to Maintain Premises, and 83.52 Tenant Obligation To Maintain Dwelling Unit.
Outlined in the sections stated above, landlords are required to rent a dwelling that is fit to be lived in. It must have working plumbing, hot water and heating, be structurally sound and have reasonable security, including working and locking doors and windows, and it must be free of pests. The landlord also must comply with local health, building and safety codes. If the landlord has to make repairs to make the dwelling fit to live in, the landlord must pay. On behalf of the tenants the obligation is to use and operate the dwelling in a reasonable manner and to maintain it appropriately during the tenancy among other specifications.
Which buildings are of concern?
Residential communities with units for rent
Properties for seasonal lodging
The inventory may not be mandatory in all cases, although is recommended for a variety of situations including the following: rentals, seasonal rentals (where permitted), furnished premises, housing for the purpose of an event or seasonal and prolonged employment, as well as students lodging.

A Complete Module
Benefit from a complete and up to date software ready to handle present and potentially future ordinance.
The PCI Module of LICIEL enables its user to make a draft of the property in order to facilitate procedures among landlords and tenants.
This application contains the tools necessary to consistently create detailed and official reports. Users can take advantage of various aspects of their report building and help to optimize their input more effectively even while performing an inspection. This in turn can reflect the following ways:
It will allow you to :
Describe the condition of the property in detail, as well as all of its components, room by room, floor to ceiling, and including equipment revisions.
Write accurate and detailed comments.
Insert photos, any comments and reservations etc.
Fill the inventory with a few clicks and selections, or even voice recognition.
Encrypt the finished work thanks to a fully customized pricing database.
Print if necessary right in the moment for signing or send it electronically for digital signature.
As a reminder, the report of this inventory and its diagnostic should be attached to the lease contract and be delivered to the tenant by the owner.