Free Trial Version

Becoming the most accredited software, with more than 18 years of experience.
Our developers have designed the most complete software on the market.

    No commitment or period of enforcement

    The download of the free trial version of LICIEL Software
    is provided in order to prove its reliability

    Increase your speed when creating your reports and
    gain flexibility when sharing technical diagnosis.

      For optimal use, we recommend :

           Windows 10 32/64 bits or Windows 11

           Microsoft Office Professional 2010, 2013, 2016

           PC Pentium Core i5 or equivalent AMD, RAM 4 Go (6 Go)

           Minimum display resolution : 1024x768 see 1 280 x 1 024 for fixed computers

           Internet connectivity speed : 768 kbits/s or more (DSL/cable)


      Remote Users :

           Many of you have made a good investment on Surface tablets Surface PRO 3 and 4

           As well as for the protection 'Incipio Capture 12.3" Black Cover Case"
